Our time now

I turned of drinking age my first week of law school. After that mind trip of a week I was ready to go imbibe...

The Dark Side of Diamond

“We’re suing for a federal climate recovery plan in line with both science and justice. No new pipelines. No more fracking. Healthier, safer communities...

Criminal behavior in full view

Editor, I have researched information about both the domestic and the foreign sections of the emoluments clause. Interesting, but typically turgid with legalities. According to Black’s Law Dictionary,...

Dog walkers get a new leash on life

Editor, Once again Becky Gillette has done a wonderful job reporting (feral cats vs. wild birds issue). Many thanks! We are grateful to all the groups she...

Having fun raising funds

Editor, The women of the Goddess Gala/Merlin Foundation Benefit thank you for your excellent coverage of our event. With your help we raised over $4000...

Happiness relies on justice

Editor,  On Tuesday, Feb. 21, I will become 80 years old. I am a native-born southerner, a cusp Pisces who grew up in a segregated...



See oursels as ithers see us? Cool.

Editor, I thank you and the entire Independent crew for doing what you do so well. For this community as a whole and for many...

Thanks to all who helped

Editor, Summer Diversity 2022 has come and gone. Even with the heat wave there was a great turn out around town. The heat didn’t keep...

Giving thanks

Editor,   A Cup of Love Ministry thanks all those who have helped, donated, supported and prayed for us. We appreciate you all so much. We thank...