Another Opinion

4th of July should be known as Interdependence Day. Remember Ben Franklin’s prophecy upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence: “We should all...

Humanitarianism runs deep

Editor, Recent articles by Becky Gillette on locals helping Syrian refugees in Greece, and another on a diplomat working with U.S. AID with people struggling...

Defender takes offense

Editor, I just got through with the morning paper reading more about the Orlando shootings, etc. Although tragic, I would like to address the fact...

Follow the money

Editor, Haven’t we all had enough of blustering white alpha males trying to control everything – since the American Indians were living happily on the...

Public comments vital to public participation

Editor, Over the last several years there has been a change at the Historic District Commission table and I would like to see it addressed....

Independent Editorial: #pantsonfire

Since the election last November we’ve heard from people who insist that from now on they will pay closer attention to local clubs, councils...

Independent Guestatorial: Creating a culture of peace

“War is terrible, it leads to death, damage and dismay. War is destructive. It devastates all life, land, and culture. It does not ever...

Congressional Christianity an oxymoron?

Editor,               I do not want to sound like I am whining or ungrateful for the wonderful opportunity to live in Eureka Springs. I...

No good deed goes unpunished

Editor, I wish to clarify the ECHO Village water/sewer information reported from the March 25 city council meeting, and respond to those that believe city...

All health needs to be addressed

Editor, I cannot believe there are no professional people, mainly doctors, who have not called out the president’s behavior during the coronavirus. If these people...