Pardoning our mess

Editor,      Besides having no respect for “The Law” which he swore to uphold, the Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, Joe Arpaio, refused to...

Diamond deception

“What the eyes see, the ears hear, and the mind believes.” – Harry Houdini Misdirection is a form of deception in which public attention is...

Phantom Threats

“We’ve already lost the trade war. We don’t have a trade war. We’ve already lost.” - Donald John Trump This may be the shortest international...

Binge read for insight

Andrew Yang likes to say, “The opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math.” Watching the top ten Democratic Party candidates...

Deceptive climate solutions

Burning forests is a false solution for the climate emergency False solutions fail to provide results. Deceptive solutions are known to be false and sold...

Tin Pot dictator

Editor, We had 1000s of hours of investigation over Benghazi. We learned from those hearings that one of the causes of that tragedy was the...

Surviving gloom

We survived January, all 31 days. I am writing this on the morning of February 3; by the time you read it, February 6...

The insanity of a nation

Editor, As I listen to the news of the massacre in Michigan, I am looking at a Facebook memory on my home page – a...

Fracking dirty secrets

Shale oil and gas are the main causes of the climate emergency The massive floods in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana are described as historical and...

What’s the biggest worry?

Editor, The NRA owns our government, so we will never have sensible gun laws. Health insurance companies own our politicians, so we will never have universal...