Ban fires not forests

“Not one inch of the Amazon will be granted to Indigenous people,” Jair Bolsonaro, 2019 During his 2018 presidential campaign, Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro promised to...

Independent Guestatorial – Arkansas Deforestation

“The impact will be felt for generations” – Gov. Asa Hutchinson When I heard Arkadelphia won the Chinese lottery, my second thought was “this is...

Methane Kills

The EPA roll-back of the methane regulation is not only about the climate emergency. Air pollution kills. In 2018, eroding air quality was linked to...

Thinking like Eisenstein

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his...

The end of fracking

Let’s create a better world with carbon-free electric energy Drilling for oil and gas in shale plays is a money-pit, not the great American invention...

Take a stand for the forests

Way back in the days when the grass was still green, and the pond was still wet, and the clouds were still clean. The...

Climate solutions

The true story of Global Warming and the climate emergency is out of the bag. The National Climate Assessment report (NAC4) confirms what most...

Independent Guestatorial: What to do about that pesky auditorium?

On my first visit to Eureka Springs in 1995 I stumbled upon the city’s auditorium and caught the second half of the Emerson String...


Green the grid and electrify everything On January 14, 2020, a highly confidential JP Morgan report said, “human life as we know it could be...


Recently I observed a young family shopping in WalMart, raiding the floor-to ceiling frozen food lockers opposite the produce section. Mom and Dad were...