This Week’s Independent Thinker

The Grizzly Bear is California’s state animal. Its likeness is on the state flag and seal. This is not about grizzly bears, but it happened...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers

WHEREAS, Many public officials and candidates deserve our gratitude and support for their consistent moral character and their uncompromising commitment to right and wrong, Therefore,...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

Yep, construction materials are astronomically expensive now if you can even find them. When adopted Chinese immigrant, Maggie Grout, was 15 she realized that the...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

When we were busy growing up, we were taught to date, marry, and live together forevermore. That was about as popular as the Vietnam War.                ...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

William Blair Anderson is Police Chief of St. Cloud, Minn., a town where eight people were injured last Saturday in a knife attack that...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

We’re such suckers for brilliance that’s also precious. Cincinnati cop James Givens was sitting in his patrol car last week when he heard a pecking...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

Lots of times people want handouts, but there are those who seriously want to work. Patrick Hoagland, 30, of Phoenix was laid off. After a...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers

Psychological accessibility was not on our list of what we know about, but now we get it. Playgrounds are for kids. Except in China, and...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

When consideration of a planned oil pipeline from North Dakota to Illinois came up in 2016, President Obama said he wasn’t familiar with the...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

Arkansas Sen. Bryan King (R–Green Forest) introduced Senate Bill 299 last week in Little Rock To Amend the Law Concerning Water Districts; And To...