This Week’s Independent Thinker

New York high school teacher Shaina Harrison is on a mission to explain that having a gun do your talking always comes to no...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers Jan. 23, 2019

There is no requirement for banks to be closed on Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, but since 1983, the anniversary of MLK’s birthday has...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

Anyone who’s read a newspaper or talked to another person in the past few years probably knows that plastic straws are a disaster, not...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

Dressed to the nines in an idyllic setting next to a lake for a formal wedding and nothing can possibly go wrong, right? Before the...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers

Paul Beatty wrote a book. Who hasn’t? But Beatty’s book, The Sellout, set judges of the Man Booker Prize, Britain’s loftiest literary accolade, into...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

We’re such suckers for brilliance that’s also precious. Cincinnati cop James Givens was sitting in his patrol car last week when he heard a pecking...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers

Pictures of strangled dolphins, whales and tuna have been printed worldwide recently. Big fish with so much plastic in and around them, their organs...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

Yes, there are plenty of people who questioned Sir Richard Branson’s flight last Saturday morning. A great American pastime is to tell the rich...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers

Oh those women over 40, they are a force to contend with any way you look at it – seems they ingest big gulps...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

Kids are doing remarkable things. In past issues we’ve featured teenagers who insisted on doing things their way – saving part-time paychecks to buy...