This Week’s Independent Thinker

Alex Ruiz is a server at Cinco de Mayo Mexican Grill in Douglasville, Georgia. Recently a man walked in, ordered his food and sat down...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers

Our Parks commission has meetings, called workshops but they qualify as meetings because the commissioners are meeting as we see it. They walk around...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers

Kids are smart. We were kids. We were smart. Right? “Smart” doesn’t mean quoting what someone else wrote or finding our way to Tahlequah. Smart...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

We are accustomed to hearing about anonymous gifts to already thriving entities – St. Jude’s Hospital, Antioch College, the Tea Party. Once in awhile,...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers

A photo essay in Yes! Magazine titled, The Seed-Saving Farmers Who Pass Down Land to Their Daughters, showed how a matrilineal Khasi tribe passes on land...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers

One thousand plants are grown worldwide for food, beverages, spices and medicine. Seventy-five percent of flowering plants rely on hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and other...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers

Facing east were 13 colonies full of people in a raw, unmapped land, staring at the Atlantic Ocean. Inhabitants were taxed, but not allowed...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers March 13, 2019

One of the joys of living is looking in a dog’s eyes. The cross-country team at St. Joseph High School in an ever-lovely California community...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

Kids are doing remarkable things. In past issues we’ve featured teenagers who insisted on doing things their way – saving part-time paychecks to buy...

This Week’s Independent Thinker

The most read words in our paper last week were calling Loretta Young Loretta Lynn. That comes under Brain Fade more than Independent Thinking, but...