The magic on Nicky

Editor, I read The Dirt on Nicky (Nicky Boyette’s) article. Look what I found! I loved the writing, the article, the history, the ideas and the...

Mandatory masks not so much

Editor, I was getting gasoline for my car the other day, in Berryville at a Fast Git ‘Em store, when I observed no customers wearing...

Look for truth

Editor, Watching the peaceful “Black Lives Matter” protests, I was vividly reminded of the summer of 1972. I traveled to Miami, Florida, to participate in...

Open letter to Arkansas’ junior Senator

Dear Senator Cotton: This morning I received an email from one of my all-time favorite students requesting recommendation letters for college scholarships, a service I...

Good ol’ girl network?

I see buried in the political mentionings of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that Our High Priestess in Charge has appointed the wife of a known...

Will miss the Chief

Editor, When I heard of Police Chief Thomas Achord’s resignation, I was set aback and had to take a pause and reflect. I truly appreciate what...

Climate Hope

The existential threat of climate change can’t be ignored   On January 20, a new expert team will act on the climate emergency. Here are administrators...

Independent Editorial: Who’s to blame?

Do you honestly think you could walk into a gay nightclub and feel fear? Of what? Not that you’ll be killed. A gay nightclub...

Church dedication Saturday

Editor, This email is to introduce a very unique ministry in the development stages at this time. I, Al Pryor (pastor) at age 71 almost...

Memories of the parade

Was gonna keep my mouth shut until I saw Gwen Bennett’s letter . I quit work two years ago to take care of my wife,...