Independent Guestatorial: Oil pipeline ecocide

Ecocide is the destruction of ecosystems, a crime against nature. Coral reefs are one of Earth’s most wonderful ecosystems, with brilliant colors and a variety...

Even humans are part of nature

Both Taos, New Mexico and Eureka Springs, Arkansas, are famously noted in US News and World Report, and other curated lists, as being go-to...

Facts and conclusions

Editor, Gen. John Frémont, the first New Republican Party Presidential nominee of 1856, issued the first emancipation proclamation, freeing the Rebel owners’ slaves in Missouri...

Act now

To my Members of Congress, Yet more deaths that were inspired by the Republican Party's partnership with racism, bigotry and white supremacy, in the only...

Sacred trust requires preservation

Editor, I ask everyone to think for a moment about where we live. Eureka Springs was built upon sacred healing waters. You could say that the...

Little Rock Saturday night

Editor, Gov. Hutchinson has declared Saturday, Sept. 7 Cheryl Maples Memorial Day. People will gather at 8 p.m. at the State Capitol in Little Rock...

Shattering a mosaic

A couple years back, I met someone who told me if I ever had a good idea, to please reach out. So, at the...

Voting is an easy duty

Editor, I had the privilege and pleasure of helping 13 Eureka Springs High School seniors register to vote Friday morning. If you will be 18...

An Outlook

Time Bomb A woman named HOPE quite possibly gave the President the coronavirus. That is irony. (Hope Hicks, the White House Communications Director, was diagnosed...

Vote your best interests

Editor, I think most agree that this election season has been very strange. Never has the process produced two candidates both polled as net unfavorable....