Church dedication Saturday



This email is to introduce a very unique ministry in the development stages at this time. I, Al Pryor (pastor) at age 71 almost totally by myself have been constructing an early pioneer log church in Berryville, Arkansas. I began this work Sept. 15, 2015. Although the construction is not totally complete, this Saturday, Sept. 17, my wife and I and many friends from near and far will dedicate this building and the ministry that will develop in the next few months. 

The name of this ministry will be Kings Hill Pioneer Church. The goal of this new ministry will be to develop gospel music that will please God the father in an attempt to fulfill the primary reason for mankind’s creation. To praise, worship and fellowship with God.

Our secondary goal will be to minister to and help the elderly and older generation as best we can, these whom so often fall through the cracks of ministries. Thirdly it will be to reintroduce folks to a “ love thy neighbor” mindset that seems to elude most today.

We are expecting a rather large turn out for lunch, Gospel music and fellowship. All are welcome to join us as we celebrate Jesus and this new work in His name.

Thank you.

Al Pryor