What’s the biggest worry?

Editor, The NRA owns our government, so we will never have sensible gun laws. Health insurance companies own our politicians, so we will never have universal...

The Sun sets in Arkadelphia

Deforestation is the second leading cause of climate change after burning fossil fuels, corporate responsibility for zero deforestation is key. – United Nations Food...

Our readers are puritanical?

Editor, Having just moved here from Houston, I found Mr. Krotz’s column needed some fact checks. His first statement, “Hurricane Harvey helped the Texas Congressional...

Careful of the shell game

Editor, As a charter member of the United Nations, our government promised that we would take global conflicts to the Security Council to be resolved....

Crude avarice

The lust of avarice has so totally seized upon mankind their wealth seems to possess them. Pliny the Elder Pliny the Elder was a...

If you support one does it make you one?

Editor, I am spending my morning contacting the people and businesses that we do business with to find out if they support Donald Trump. We were...

Every minute, every hour

Editor, Let’s add to our gratitude list... people who we forget are also on the front line along with medical, fire, emergency, police. Those would...

Is Diamond Safe?

Two dictators walk into a bar. We have long-range missiles ready, says round & short. Any overt threats will be met with fire and...

Radical change

The time for change is now and is in your hands Last week, Regenerate discussed why we need to restore forests, wetlands, coral reefs, oceans,...

American Insights

Lincoln’s Lyceum Address  Abraham Lincoln was not yet 29 years-old when he stood before the Young Men’s Lyceum in Springfield, Illinois, on Saturday, January 27,...