Viral fear and The Lone Stranger

It started slowly. Around here they started popping up – one here, one there – sometime in March. Most people did not immediately grasp...



Standing Upright

So, how is your favorite monument? The refurbished one downtown in Basin Park, the WWI soldier, seems to pass the history-we-can-live-with test. Wars, however,...

Old things don’t look like they used to

Editor, Fifty years. ago my wife and I spent our honeymoon here in Eureka Springs! We now call it home. It seems as though things...

Independent Guestatorial: Now what?

With the election of Donald Trump as president, the United States officially entered the Age of Simulation. In keeping with its historical role as “a...

Independent Guestatorial – False strategies on climate change

A national report card by Climate Central,, describes the actions each of the 50 states are taking to prepare for climate threats. Years...

American Insights

The Meaning of the Declaration The rain was falling with misty, unrelenting force as President Calvin Coolidge rose to deliver the greatest speech of his...

What I learned

Editor, What did I learn from Congressman Steve Womack at Holiday Island Elks Club? I learned that he does not read the bills that are...

The business of churches

Editor, I sincerely appreciate Mark Golaway’s kind words last week.  In the interest of public education I submit: The Apostle Paul had at his disposal nearly 17...

Creating a stable climate

The climate is out of whack. Extracting, processing, and burning fossil fuels, with never-ending oil wars are irresponsible behaviors. Last week our Royal family went...