Liking Facebook

Editor, Most of the people I know are not unduly influenced by social media — specifically, Facebook. There are many advantages to this way of communication,...

Worshipping trees

Editor, This past spring I ventured into the Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce to voice an idea. Going down into town toward the Auditorium, the schedule...


GOP Butcher

Time, patience and perseverance pays off

Editor, We received a beautiful German Shepherd at the police department the latter part of September. The dog seemed very vicious toward everyone. I worked...


Clean electricity is the road to the future   2030 will be here in 10 years and our quality of life depends on what we do...

Black man runnin’

Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales had been put on hold for weeks and I was no longer feeling the blues from my endless fumbling attempts at...

Another Opinion

Certain words get under my skin. I am tired of hearing Americans referred to as consumers, as though the money we spend on food,...

The uncommon Diamond pipeline

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck. With an expired permit to...

I love you just the way you are

Dear New Eurekans, We are so fortunate to wake up here in a community that cares for one another. We should embrace our responsibility to...

Our senators not working for us

Editor,     I am now 80 years old, older than dirt. Now, I love dirt since I am a happy tree-hugger and appreciate the...