Fifty years later it’s still horrible

Editor, The flap about the National Football League has been on the news nightly. The national anthem has recently been mentioned, which reminded me of Francis...

Parking needs immediate attention

Editor, I have owned commercial properties in Eureka Springs for over 21 years. I have been pushed, spat on, punched, cursed at and had rocks...

How strong must a man be to protect his gentleness?

Editor, I watched our president read somber words from the teleprompter about the Las Vegas shooting. He invoked a religious atmosphere by saying the act...

Abuse of public trust

 Editor,              Milosevic and his family embezzled billions from the public money and he was responsible for mass murders in the Yugoslav Wars. He was...

What Trump is intent on

Editor, Trump has severe knowledge deficits and personal character traits that have been deliberately magnified.  Darwin was singularly credited with a theory, despite a second individual...

Our readers are puritanical?

Editor, Having just moved here from Houston, I found Mr. Krotz’s column needed some fact checks. His first statement, “Hurricane Harvey helped the Texas Congressional...

Yet More Joy

Editor, While surely we all applaud the refreshed efforts at the restoration of the Joy Motel, I feel it necessary to address what I see...

Two-leggeds helping four-leggeds

Editor, What a generous community we live in. Our hearts are moved by all the creative efforts to help those suffering after Hurricane Harvey, from ECHO’s...

Division needs welding

Editor, I wrote a letter to the editor that caused a genuinely unexpected backlash. As soon as the paper came out I received an...

Confederate monuments belong in museums

Editor, I feel obliged to remark on Dan Krotz’s “Pursuit of Happiness” . I’ve always thought Krotz’s writings were smart, but this time I think his...