Boozman sold us out, too

Editor, To Sen. Boozman, my sincere thanks to your webslave staffer, who sent me a prompt, although quite deceptive, form letter reply to my email...

Defender takes offense

Editor, I just got through with the morning paper reading more about the Orlando shootings, etc. Although tragic, I would like to address the fact...

Noting a federal holiday

Editor, In the matter of Cornerstone Banks policy on Martin Luther King, I initiated communication with the bank. “Are you going to be honoring Martin...

We are the world

Editor, Last week’s “Show the world we are sane” should have been “Show the world we are the same.” I love our community and consider...

Rigors facing pipelines

Editor, In response to the May 31, 2017 Guestatorial, “Diamond is not a pipeline,” I submit the following as an interested citizen with 35 years...

Primroses grow where we know they can’t

Editor, In an increasingly chaotic world, we have to take every opportunity to appreciate the wonders around us. This time of year brings just that...

FOIA response

Editor, Recently when I was contacted by the press regarding FOIAs. I was asked six specific questions: I wanted to make a couple of things...

Humanitarianism runs deep

Editor, Recent articles by Becky Gillette on locals helping Syrian refugees in Greece, and another on a diplomat working with U.S. AID with people struggling...

Even the dentist was cool

Editor, Throughout the past year, several local businesses have done such an extraordinary job of keeping us all safe that I express my gratitude. I am sure...

Hog farm must go, and can

Editor, It has been three years now since AEP/SWEPCO sent our small town into a tizzy with their injudicious proposal to run a humongous power...