Reaction to who uses which bathrooms



In response to President Obama’s administration report today concerning guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice regarding transgender identity, and that public schools are obligated to treat transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity, even if their education records or identity documents indicate a different sex, I have this to say. I will not comply with such foolishness. My grandchildren will not be attending public school. They will be homeschooled.

This transgender business really has nothing to do with the emotional concerns of a transgender person. It has in fact, opened up the privacy of the public restrooms to every sexual deviate, sex offender, and pervert who has now found a new way to prey on our children. I implore all God fearing people to join me in this fight.

Let it be known that if I am in a public restroom with either of my grandchildren changing a diaper, or assisting them in toileting, and a male-transgender or not-enters the restroom, God help him. If he is lucky, he will only need an ambulance to respond to remove him. If he is not so lucky, he will need the coroner and a hearse.

Marti Suchsland


  1. Hey Marti and anyone else supporting this uneducated narrow minded bigot.. why don’t you turn your concern towards other more realistic situations that could involve a child being molested… like in your CHURCH or in a family environment – that is where most molestations occur. Using the “some guy is going to dress trans to rape a child in a bathroom” is a pathetic excuse to voice your bigoted opinions and hate towards the transgender community. This letter should not have been printed – what a waste of space!

  2. Marti Suchslan,

    Clearly, you don’t understand what it means to be transgender. They aren’t sex offenders, they aren’t child molesters, they have no interest in harming your children-they are just people. People who already struggle with higher rates of discrimination, anxiety, hatred, and depression on a regular basis. You can dislike the fact that they are in your restrooms. That’s fine. But, what I heard from you is that you are willing to commit an premeditated act of violence and/or murder someone just because they MAY walk past you or your children to use the restroom. Shame on you! Are you proud of yourself for perpetuating hate speech?!! Moreover, doing so in a public medium in hopes others will assist you in your brutality!! Have you no empathy for others? Just because you don’t understand something does not give you a right to harm them!
    “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” -Matthew 7:1-3

  3. Mentally sick people need help. I’m glad I’m not confused. I’m a woman as God created. God makes no mistakes.

  4. I guess it’s true according to the old lyrics from Simon and Garfunkel’s song “The Boxer.” “A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest…” I see something completely different in her letter. First of all, transsexuals have always used public restrooms for as long as I can remember. They are mostly discrete, but not always. There has been little resistance over this until the Obama administration recently started this “in your face” gender issue. And I do agree; this does not have much of anything to do with transsexuals. It has an awful lot to do with the male perverts who have now found the door to the women’s public restrooms open for easy access to their prey. How come the rest of you can’t see that? Does anyone bother to check out the vast amount of sex offenders in the area? There are plenty where I live. My grandchildren are all grown, but if I felt that once of my female children or grandchildren were about to become victimized, I would probably beat the tar out of the perp. Maybe worse.

  5. Go ahead and home school your children. Lets just hope none of ur offspring are trans. And your statement just confirms what an uneducated bigot you are. Ur irrational fear may be based on the pervert u harbor within. Murder??? Seriously. You probably wouldn’t even know a trans if u saw one. Ud be more likely to notice them if they wnt to the restroom that matches their Birth Cert.

  6. Marti makes more sense than the entire multitude of these poor poor lost souls who have forgotten that we live in a civilized society. No, we do NOT want perverts in the bathroom with us and there is a reason for this. If they are “transgender”, or as the sane of us still refer to it, CONFUSED, that’s not as much as a problem as the FACT that more heterosexual men with mental problems who are even more dangerous are opportunists and will use and ARE using these opportunities to abuse girls and women. All your hatred, all your cussing and your nastiness is not going to make a dent in the fact that the majority still thinks for themselves. If it is your wish that we are forced to accommodate the mentally disturbed, then you need to get the heck out of this country. You are still the minority.

    Marti, I second every last word you typed. Thank God there is still some sanity left in this country somewhere.

    • the law WILL NOT keep perverts out of the bathroom…..what Bathroom should I use to prevent getting shot by Marti? I am a woman who has a bald head…so If I walk into the bathroom it is OK for her to shoot me because she thinks I might be male??????If she does, she will be in jail for a hate crime…….and I will own everything she owns….
      you agree to Terroristic threatening? and are ok with MURDER? That is not very CHRISTAIN of you both

    • oh and PLEASE show me where men are ARE using these opportunities to abuse girls and women. I have not seen ONE…I see Pasters and Priess being arrested, I see men in the mens bathroom abusing boys,,,,,,,show me where this is happening with men in dresses….

  7. Marti Suchsland, you are a straight up idiot. I’m so glad my Christian parents had more sense than you when they raised me to love EVERYONE. You know, like the BIBLE SAYS.

  8. As a very straight male. Living in another state, but who has friends of every sort (straight, gay, trans, bi, non…you name it) some of whom live in Arkansas. I think that i WILL get a permit to carry so that i will have a chance to defend myself from folks such as this letter writer when i visit eureka springs in July to lecture on balloon art for children’s entertainment.
    I am begonia to think that poem vary might be a good idea since people such as mz smith apparently see no harm in threatening to murder people based on their appearance.
    Gods help you madam. (If you ARE truly a female) should one of your ilk should confuse you with a fat man in a cheap wig and wall mart dress.
    As far as i can tell, the best way to get it right is that trans women appear to have a better sense of fashion than your average wall mart shopper.

  9. The writer is a supporter of Open Carry. I assume she (maybe she should get rid of the male-sounding name) is totally in favor of trans folk exercising their right to open carry as well? Let’s even the playing field.

  10. What a horrible demonstration of family values and community values by this newspaper and the letter writer. Transgender people are children, grandchildren, parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles and this newspaper choose to print a letter openly calling for the murder of these people if they “enter” a restroom. How good is it for tourism that both newspapers print letters openly calling for murder of transgender people if they enter a bathroom? How immoral is this? What happens when someone mistakes a genetic woman who is a tomboy for a transgender and murder the mother of child? I call on all transgender people in Eureka Springs to be kind, and not return evil for evil. Please do not harass the writer advocating your murder.

  11. And I would gladly protect the trans* person you so violently and misguidedly wish to attack – so you better be ready if I ever catch you doing such a disgusting thing. Sure hope you don’t claim to be a Christian because if a God exists, he’s crying over your stupidity now.

      • But probably can’t come up with Matthew 5:38-48 to save her soul:

        38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: 39 but I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. 41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. 42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

        43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

        • If you knew anything about the Bible to begin with then you would understand that Christ did away with the Levitical laws when he died and rose again. He got us out from under God’s wrath. But anyone can pick out a verse or two and play scholar.

  12. i’d rather spend a moment with a woman dressed in mens clothing in a bathroom then have a gun totin bigot living next door. Everyone i know refers to ms smith as CalamityJane. Need I say more? (ps-killed any cats lately?)

  13. I am quite sure George would not mind a woman dressed in men’s clothing visiting him in the public rest room. George is a former renter of mine who was evicted due to his breaking the lease. Need I say more?

  14. Threats are a gesture of the feeble-minded. I would much rather spend a moment or two with a transgendered person in the bathroom then some pistol packin mama almost anywhere else. The only perversions i see here are in the mind of the letter writer,who by the way,has previously threatened other members of our community (Liberals,Gays,Blacks,Hispanics..on and on). I am surprised your newspaper publishes such rubbish

    • Bla bla bla feeble minded bla bla bla someone threatened something bla bla bla….. You fools think with your feelings and completely ignore reality. You have sold your soul to your hatred of anyone that doesn’t agree with the way you think. Do you even understand why you feel the way you do? Are you capable of understanding anyone else’s feelings or convictions? These pistol-packin’ mamas, as you call them, have a Constitutional right to do so. If you don’t like that, move. We won’t miss you.

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