Is ED an asset for a town known for healing?

Editor, I am not completely opposed to a temporary District for events. A permanent one, absolutely not.   Does the city have the finances to...

Questions for Parks

Editor, Thanks to all of you at The Independent Newspaper for all of your timely and complete coverage of our important local news without fear...

As I see it

Editor, Some say I’m prescient and can see the future. I say I’m just good with the obvious. The obvious that I see now is...

Silver Tea sets donation record

Editor, On behalf of St. James Episcopal Church, I thank our community for the overwhelming support received during this year’s Silver Tea. Your generous donations...


See no Ethics

Sharing dog food

Editor, Having been the recipient of the kindness of strangers at a time of dire need, I pay special attention to stories of kindness and...

Shop locally

Editor, We are saturated by ads on every turn and we are blanketed by ads on our Internet connected devices. The final choice to spend...

Stories that are good to know

Editor, I thank the local historical society for another production of Voices from the Silent City. I don’t attend local events nearly as much as...

Still thankful, pretty much

Editor, Rain: Yes, children, rain. How lovely the wet, damp, chilly atmosphere; a tad much with what the flooding and all, but still, think of...

Eliminate one, get two in return

Editor, In Greek mythology, the Hydra was a vile multi-headed swamp beast that destroyed everything in its path. Each time one head was cut off,...