Plea to Gov. Hutchinson

Editor, A fully-grown tree releases 1,000 liters of water vapor a day into the atmosphere. A forest can send up billions of liters of water...

Following the money

Editor, Toni Morrison, Independent Thinker of 8/7/19, suggests correctly that racism is deliberately induced to divert us from the truth, but fails to suggest what...

Vote. Vote. Vote.

Editor, “Donald is a very sick man. He will take the country down with him and he has plenty of people to help him.” –...

Independent Guestatorial: Perils of false energy solutions

The opening ceremony of the Green Olympics was a striking reminder of the clear and present danger from runaway climate change. With over three...

Thanks to young people

Editor, Besides the cold, the wind this weekend blew in refreshing hope and intelligent ideas. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s interview on MSNBC warned us that we have only...

Greed an acquired taste

Editor, I cannot, for the life of me figure out why the president, his lifelong judicial appointees, and his cabinet seem to be heading toward...

Criminal behavior in full view

Editor, I have researched information about both the domestic and the foreign sections of the emoluments clause. Interesting, but typically turgid with legalities. According to Black’s Law Dictionary,...

Community Center should be about fitness

Editor, Regarding the Community Center; I feel the possibility of a community center right in the heart of Eureka Springs is fantastic! I also feel they...

Another Opinion

Certain words get under my skin. I am tired of hearing Americans referred to as consumers, as though the money we spend on food,...

Cut it out

Editor, There is a Bible verse for everything. Psalms 142 clues us to take our complaints to the Lord. I should have. Two years past I stopped...