As I see it



Some say I’m prescient and can see the future. I say I’m just good with the obvious. The obvious that I see now is that our county/state is going to be swept up in a nightmare of disease and death by the Autumn Equinox. Lives will be ruined, families will be devastated. Children will become left to depend on the kindness of strangers if their parents die without wills due to their failure to live in reality.

Death comes to each at its own time and there is no prediction for our own personal date. I, for one, am not willing to foolishly test fate by neglecting self care and not getting vaccinated against a life changing, deadly disease.

COVID-19 Delta+ variant is the latest variant of an ever-evolving disease. Each time a person is infected, the virus mutates seeking system weaknesses. With each successive infection the virus becomes ever more virulent. The Delta+ variant infection rate is doubling every 7 to 10 days in the U.S. among the unvaccinated who then create new variants.

The Delta variant causes blood clots that become gangrenous and amputations are common now in India. Others who survive have long-term symptoms that include memory loss as the structure of the brain changes. The virus persistence in brain erases the long memory neurons chains much like methamphetamine.

Goodbye, my unvaccinated friends, acquaintances and others I’ve never met. Hospitalizations are rapidly ticking up along with infection and death rates. Arkansas is in the top five states for the most unvaccinated people. I don’t wish this terrible plague on anyone but your chances for escaping illness and death are decreasing daily.

Please change my vision. Get vaccinated.

Sheri Hanson