
Last Tuesday my husband and I drove to Little Rock to add our voices against SB270 – yet another hateful, overreaching bill targeting the...

Plastic clogging the planet

Editor, In our continuing effort to make Eureka Springs become a shining example of a compassionate, kind and ecological small town, I suggest we do...

Independent Guestatorial: Lean energy: Better thinking for better results

“Money money money money, money For the love of money People will steal from their mother For the love of money People will rob their own brother Money money...

Lies, Big Lies, and PipeLies

Bruce Lee said, “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.” PipeLies is about money. A lie is a statement made knowing it is...

Learning to Care

Last year, Pope Francis came to the U.S. with an urgent and powerful message of hope on the need to care for Mother Earth,...

Mask up

Editor, I looked up synonyms for “beyond stupid:” shortsighted, ill-advised, unintelligent, unthinking, foolish, mean-spirited, and malevolent, to give only a few. I would apply any...

Independent Guestatorial: Perils of false energy solutions

The opening ceremony of the Green Olympics was a striking reminder of the clear and present danger from runaway climate change. With over three...

Learning from nature

Ant colonies reveal how cooperative and collective action with simple rules leads to survival Biology is the study of life, a body of science that...

Call Cotton today

Editor, A whopping 17 percent approve of Trumpcare in its current state, with even Trump calling it “too mean a bill.” Meanwhile Senate Republicans behind...

Carbon capture and storage

Be kind to the trees, they are busy saving the world Time is running out to avoid breaching the 2° Celsius global warming limit. Trees...