Call Cotton today



A whopping 17 percent approve of Trumpcare in its current state, with even Trump calling it “too mean a bill.” Meanwhile Senate Republicans behind closed doors are drafting their new improved vision for American healthcare without sharing any of the details with the public or even some of their own frustrated party members.

That sly Majority leader, Mitch McConnell plans to put their new plan on the Senate floor for a vote before any discussion from Democrats, as early as 10 days from now.

How can removing 23 million people from health coverage be an improvement and are they really going to cut taxes for the über rich who never have to worry about losing their homes or filing bankruptcy or simply dying because they can’t afford insurance? Yes, premiums will come down for some, but go up substantially for the poor, the elderly and middle class.

Imagine if that 56 percent who disapprove of Trumpcare and the 26 percent who are undecided, decided, and made a phone call to their state representatives voicing displeasure. It would be an immediate game changer.

I urge readers to call on Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, one of 13 men who are drafting this bill, and convey your concerns.

For those who have never called their representatives, it can be a very easy process of just saying, “I have concerns about the 23 million people who will lose healthcare coverage.” For others, it can be a more detailed discussion, but it’s important that we all make that call.

Fear, apathy and confusion are their greatest weapons and we can turn those weapons against them and become empowered by making a simple phone call.

Please call. Our collective voices count, and many lives in this state and the country are counting on you.

Senator Tom Cotton (202) 224-4843 and Senator John Boozman (202) 224- 2353

John Rankine


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