Pruitt is needed at schools

Editor, My name is Leslie Cross and I have three children in the Eureka Springs School system. I consider myself an involved parent, so when...

Enviva climate deception

We are like tenant farmers, chopping down the fence around our house for fuel, when we should be using nature’s inexhaustible sources of energy...

Sidewalks a hazard

Editor, Within the last few weeks just driving through town I have witnessed 4 (yes 4) people, mostly older, who have fallen on sidewalks downtown. Am...

Vote 45 out or be voted out

To my representatives, My wife and I want to know if your President’s actions are not impeachable, what is? Is getting your way on so...

Picking Cotton

Editor, Mr. Cotton, I watched you make a mockery of the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 13, 2017 when you pretended to interrogate Jeff Sessions....

Cat gets home again

Editor, The other night I was taking my daughter, Erin Ascencio, home to Holiday Island. It was dark outside, and out of the corner of...

Road to hell

“I should not have been there.” General Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “my presence in that moment...

Lichen or not

Editor, There are two sides to issues and actions. The May 4, 2022 issue of the ES Independent had a notice on page 4, “Polishing headstones...

Parks should involve public

Editor, My wife and I were invited by Bill Featherstone to be on the ad hoc downhill bike trail committee, an advisory committee to Parks...

Dictators defy democracy

Editor, I am Antifa and I follow in my father’s footsteps. My parents taught me right from wrong and good from evil and if they...