UnConventional times

I was raised to keep up with current events – space race, arms race, race wars, the World Serious, political shenan-agains and assassinations, and...

So long, Mayor Pete

Editor, As a gay man of a certain age who survived the plague, I never thought I would see marriage equality in my lifetime and...


Trump Care

He shall remain nameless

Editor, I get no real pleasure in saying “I told you so” about what was going to happen with a Fascist president like he who...

Another thing to do with money

Editor, I wanted to tell a story about a family member because it sort of pertains to a local issue. This happened about 20 years...

Are we great yet?

“Whoever comes in is going to have to argue against these monster growth numbers, 3.2 percent GDP. That is what most people are talking...



Staying lovely

Editor, I have seen many things go awry in my 84 years. It seems that quaint and obscure places known only to the “savvy” almost...

Cut it out

Editor, There is a Bible verse for everything. Psalms 142 clues us to take our complaints to the Lord. I should have. Two years past I stopped...

It’s a mad, mad, mad world

Editor,   “If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it...