Independent Guestatorial: Burn, burn, burn: Let oil flow like a river

We’re clearly coming to the end of the fossil fuel era. We have the technology to shift to emission-free energy, we have the will...

High and low

I have submitted this column to the Eureka Springs Independent almost every week for a couple of years. I can address practically anything under...

Reaction to commentary

Hi! Vernon Tucker is a small black hole. Jim Nelson P.S. I challenge Vernon to a pissing contest.

Mass behavior changes one

Editor, I just wanted to share an observation from my travels last week. I am in sales and was given the word from my manager that...

Independent Guestatorial: Diamond delusion

By Luis Contreras “A delusion is something that people believe in, despite a total lack of evidence.” Richard Dawkins Delusions are beliefs held despite little, no...

Open letter to Gov. Hutchinson

I respectfully urge you to direct the Big Creek Research and Extension Team to drill to confirm whether hog waste is leaking into groundwater....

Sidewalks a hazard

Editor, Within the last few weeks just driving through town I have witnessed 4 (yes 4) people, mostly older, who have fallen on sidewalks downtown. Am...

Great weekend, again

Editor,  Wow! What an amazing Spring Diversity Eureka Springs had last weekend. Thank you to the City of Eureka Springs, office of Mayor Butch Berry, Chamber...

A different way to look at hoarding

Editor, Until the recent election I would have said I was bullet proof when it came to politics – that nothing could surprise or further...

Try a veggie burger, it’s really good

Editor, Thank you for your wonderful newspaper and for publishing local.   I read recently that a turkey CAFO is being proposed that will impact Dry...