Vote Tuesday! Schools deserve good boards

Editor, The forgotten election: Eureka Springs School Board. Do school boards seem boring and irrelevant? Not so fast. The voting public elects their board of...

Why are we not voting?

Editor, “If your vote didn’t matter, they wouldn’t be working so hard to take it away from you. You want a better nation, be better...

What aren’t we taught?

It’s been a few weeks since Alabama signed a ban on all abortions. In the mixture of ‘godly’ individuals preaching on Facebook about how...

Fracking dirty secrets

Shale oil and gas are the main causes of the climate emergency The massive floods in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana are described as historical and...



The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are...

Editor, Watched Bryant Gumbel’s HBO Real Sports show late one sleepless night. The show was about the big business of horseracing in America, about the...

How can one be pro life and anti gun control?

Editor, I want my members of Congress to know that the gun violence in this nation is on them. Them and all who place the...

Plugging methane leaks

We have 1 year to jump-start action on climate change. Plugging methane leaks from abandoned oil and gas wells in 2019 would improve our...

Love and justice for all

Editor, Memorial night on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow showed excerpts of her interviews with most of the Democratic candidates running for president. I liked them all....

All souls

Editor, My name is Charlette Cook. I am the person who is having a life in spite of the people who would rather I were...