Independent thinking

Editor, We always enjoy your “Independent Thinker” column. The eclectic individuals and groups highlighted share the common denominator of trying to make the world a...

Test it. Stop it.

Editor, It’s crappy that a mass-feeding confinement factory like C&H Farms is operating on the Buffalo River National Park watershed. C&H is part of a larger international...

The Crack

“I don’t like to gamble, but if there is one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself.” – Beyoncé We are all going to...

The Torch is Passed

I do not know who came up with the cynical phrase “divided states of America,” but the latest notion we argue is whether or...

The great climate cover-up

Being a climate denier does not absolve elected representatives of the responsibility to set aside personal prejudices and act in the national interest. The national...

Cooking with coronavirus!

I imagine it as a tell-a-vision show, with a celebrity host like Julia Child or Emeril Lagasse. How to dig in your freezer and...

Do white men think they’re better when they wake up earliest?

Working outside in the June heat, we heard a fawn bleating for help, concluding that Tootsie the wonder dawg had found new prey. In...

Independent Guestatorial: Survival on the Line

I am the fountain from which no one can drink. For many, I am considered a necessary link. Like gold to all I am sought for,...



Tickled funny bones are a good thing

Editor, We are so grateful for the ES Independent. You have kept us so well connected to our community – its joys and sorrows –...