It’s not about bathrooms

Editor, In response to Marti Suchsland’s letter… my goodness, wouldn’t your grandchildren benefit more from love and acceptance than judgment and hate? I am struck by...

Enough is enough

Editor, I’m not a psychiatrist and I don’t play one on TV, so I am understandably confused by my fellow citizens who are Trump’s supporters....

Global climate strike

“Once we start to act, hope is everywhere. So instead of looking for hope, look for action. Then, and only then, hope will come.”...

Diamond Fairy Tales

It would be so nice if something made sense for a change. Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland The Diamond petition is based on fairy tales....

Good eating, good giving

Editor, Thursday at our farmers’ market I tried to give a jar of fresh peach preserves we had made to our Filipina friend who is...

Pay to do the right thing

Did you know you can buy Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies online? Their website says, “Girl Scout Cookies are SO much more than just...

A time to heal

Keep your eyes on the horizon, act today before time runs out The tragedy of the RMS Titanic captured the imagination of the world. The...

Use money for those already here

Editor, I have seen much news about ES’s CAPC, and why? Does this town really need advertising and promotion? Last news was that it has...

Pay it forward

Editor, I love that you have letters to the editor though of course I have to read all the great Tweets of the Week first. Local...

Independent Guestatorial: Snake Oil

You, sir, are the scion of an ancestral procession of idiots stretching back to the Missing Link. Mark Twain’s letter to a snake oil...