Lying doesn’t last long

Editor, The “President” is going to celebrate June’s Gay Pride by speaking at an anti-LGBTQ conference along with Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, Pat Boone and...

Climate Crisis

If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. – Thomas Paine Thomas Paine, an American political...

Masks show you care

Editor, It seems there is a political divide everywhere – even on whether we should protect ourselves from Covid-19 by wearing a mask. We went downtown...

A time to heal

Keep your eyes on the horizon, act today before time runs out The tragedy of the RMS Titanic captured the imagination of the world. The...

Independent Guestatorial: Plain lies

“A lie keeps growing and growing until it’s as plain as the nose” - Pinocchio The Santa Barbara 2015 crude oil spill was no accident....

Diamond Interruptus

“I'm sorry to say so but, sadly, it's true, that Bang-ups and Hang-ups can happen to you.” ― Dr. Seuss The Arkansas Wildlife Federation Board...

Going native

Editor, Thank you for all the advance PR for our event. What fun we had on Saturday! The “growing” (enthusiasm for native plants and their...

Carbon capture and storage

Be kind to the trees, they are busy saving the world Time is running out to avoid breaching the 2° Celsius global warming limit. Trees...

Just say ‘don’t do that again’

Editor, I am deeply concerned about the decision to “fire” Penny Pemberton, for her mistake in using the F-word during a volleyball game. When an...

Keep the ACA

Dear members of state and federal government (AR Sen. Boozman, Rep. Womack, Sen. King, Rep. Ballinger and U.S. Sen. Paul Ryan), I am writing this...