Ask the questions

Editor, Legacy Mining Company’s plans to develop limestone quarries in Carroll County will be discussed at a second community meeting this Friday, 1-3 p.m., at...

Don’t rush the entertainment district

Editor,   Eureka Springs City Council should have a public hearing regarding the establishment of entertainment districts (ED), Ordinance 2283. There are many concerns about the districts...

You are here

Editor, Even voters who don’t have a mailing address can register to vote in Arkansas. The registration form allows you to draw a map of...

There oughtta be a law

Editor, Since Eureka Springs has decided to embrace the money that scores of bikers who have illegally modified their rides to produce the most noise...

Questions for Parks

Editor, Thanks to all of you at the Independent newspaper for all of your timely and complete coverage of our important local news without fear...

Looking for a lost word

There used to be another word in the dictionary between the words direful and direwolf. (I am using American Heritage College Dictionary 4th ed.). It was a perfectly...

American Insights

Lincoln’s Lyceum Address  Abraham Lincoln was not yet 29 years-old when he stood before the Young Men’s Lyceum in Springfield, Illinois, on Saturday, January 27,...

Scholarship concert a triumph

Editor, The We’ve Got Talent concert on March 31 at the Eureka Springs Auditorium was a huge success and played to a large gathering of...

For the better good

Editor, A recent study of U.S. housing notes only 12 counties in the United States have affordable housing for a single minimum wage earner; Carroll...

Following the money

Editor, Toni Morrison, Independent Thinker of 8/7/19, suggests correctly that racism is deliberately induced to divert us from the truth, but fails to suggest what...