Following the money



Toni Morrison, Independent Thinker of 8/7/19, suggests correctly that racism is deliberately induced to divert us from the truth, but fails to suggest what that truth is. I suggest that truth is the fact that the Civil War, rather than being fought to free the slaves, was actually fought to replace institutional slavery for Blacks with a more lucrative wage-slavery for all.  

That the money-lenders were behind this scheme is suggested by the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln a week after he warned us about the threat to our Democracy posed by the growing power of the big banks and their corporations; Teddy Roosevelt after vetoing the Federal Reserve Act in 1904; Huey Long and the Head of the House of Representatives Banking Committee in 1936 (both supporting the Social Credit idea that if a country is to be of, for and by the people, then its money must belong to and benefit the people, rather than belonging to and benefitting only the Big Banks); Jack Kennedy a week after he introduced a new silver backed currency alternative to the Federal Reserve’s Promissory Note (In God We Trust) to allow the people to decide which kind of currency they wanted; Martin Luther King, Jr., shortly after launching his Poor People’s campaign which threatened to expose the cause of the growing impoverishment of the American people; and Bobby Kennedy after he finally got the guts to run for President and seek vengeance for what they had done to his brother.  

Why Toni didn’t suggest this truth I don’t know. Perhaps she hadn’t thought of it, didn’t want to get her head blown off, or simply was afraid it might associate her with the wacky radicals attracted to our current esteemed leader.

 All I know is that it’s a lot easier to blame the decline of our country on Blacks than it is to free ourselves from the deadly embrace of the Evil Usurers!

R.I.P., Toni.

Jack R. Curtis