Don’t rush the entertainment district



Eureka Springs City Council should have a public hearing regarding the establishment of entertainment districts (ED), Ordinance 2283.

There are many concerns about the districts such as outdoor entertainment, sanitation (read human waste here) and litter. The ordinance states that overtime costs of public employees will be absorbed by the city [Sec. 7 (a)(5)]. The costs of a single event or two may be able to be absorbed but what happens if EDs become popular and there are many permitted? Does the planned increase of sales taxes collected cover these expenses? Has anyone even looked at the impact of EDs on the city budget?

Looking at a zoning map, C-1 and C-2 have areas with dense lodging, noise and inebriated people may disturb their guests. Residents living in R-1 areas are heavily impacted by noise and traffic (foot and vehicle) issuing from commercial districts.

There is an even greater impact on non-commercial and residential properties in C-1. These people have the same rights to quiet, clean, and safe neighborhoods like any other resident. Perhaps there should be location, hours and noise limits on specific areas of the commercial districts to reduce their impact of residential neighborhoods.

There is a rush to have this ordinance in place by October. Good governance is creating laws that are well thought out with the input of affected city department heads and listening to the input of the general public. Please stop, take a breath, then write a document that meets these standards.

LauraJo Smole