Swamp draining uncovers stuff

Editor, Promise made, promise kept: Trump promised to drain the swamp. He did. Replacing it with the open sewer that the Republican Party is willing...

No to white nationalism

Editor, I am a white woman and I declare that those haters do not act in my name. Racism, in all its forms, is a...



Stories that are good to know

Editor, I thank the local historical society for another production of Voices from the Silent City. I don’t attend local events nearly as much as...

This is how it works

My guess is that many, if not most, Americans don’t really understand how impeachment works, that if a president is impeached, he is simply...

Miscommunication alive and kicking

Editor, The other day I returned some books to our wonderful library. On the table was a copy of the Democrat-Gazette with a front page...

Thanks to young people

Editor, Besides the cold, the wind this weekend blew in refreshing hope and intelligent ideas. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s interview on MSNBC warned us that we have only...

Don’t rush the entertainment district

Editor,   Eureka Springs City Council should have a public hearing regarding the establishment of entertainment districts (ED), Ordinance 2283. There are many concerns about the districts...

Ordinary flu itself is rampant

Editor, While the Mainstream Media continues to hype Covid-19 they’re ignoring this: Centers for Disease Control estimates that so far this season there have been...

Let it snow. Please. Thank you

Last week’s crazy storm got me thinking about snow. This is the fourth winter in a row ­– so far – that we have...