City income in the black, water meter return thrashed out

Mayor Butch Berry told council on Monday that the general fund was only $21,000 in the red, the least shortfall he can remember, and...

Tree painting around town

Another wonderful thing about plein air painting, besides being extemporaneous, is you are close to nature. “You get to appreciate the beauty,” artist Sabina Miller...

Locals involved in helping refugees

Becky Gillette - Many people have watched the unfolding tragedy with nearly 467,000 people killed in Syria’s civil war, with 6.6 million people internally...

Carroll Electric willing to test for EMFs

The Eureka Springs Independent was recently contacted by a reader who said she has electromagnetic frequency (EMF) sensitivity and was concerned about moving to...

Is a clean shoreline necessarily a healthy shoreline?

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) maintains there are ecological benefits to not removing dead trees and debris from waterfront property. “Dead trees, brush,...

Nursing chief takes reins at ESH

At the Eureka Springs Hospital Commission’s meeting Monday afternoon, ESH CEO Peter Savoy announced this would be his last day before he moves back...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 19-25

Planetary Shifts, Movements, Retrogrades & New Moon Sun enters Taurus, Wednesday, sign of illumination. Around midnight, Sun joins Mercury in Taurus, offering an important message....

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 11 – 17

Mercury Direct & Aries New Moon Wednesday Venus trines Mars – our relationships become most important to tend to. Simultaneously, Sun inconjuncts Jupiter – we have...

Holiday Islander Pumped about NPS celebration: Worked at 50 of 58 parks

Becky Gillette - This year marks the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service, and Holiday Island resident Dan Wilson, 83, was a part...

Grab your hat or helmet, it’s derby time

Sports fans will have a chance to see history in the making as the fabulous ladies of the Carroll County Outlaws bring flat track...