Voting impediments are oppressive

Editor, Letter to the Arkansas Secretary of State Mark Martin: I am appalled by the news that Trump’s new “Voting Integrity Commission” has requested very extensive...

Raise the wage

Editor, $15 an hour is a gross pay; the net pay is usually 30% less or $10.50 per hour. Which for a fulltime worker is...

Candy Bank needs deposits

Editor, Halloween is almost here and I am excited to announce that the White Street Candy Bank is open for business and accepting donations. Last...

Relating to food

Editor, We have come a long way since EB White’s 1948 piece in the Atlantic entitled “Death of a Pig.” EB White authored the classic...

Then was then

Editor, Anaheims Mickey, Minnie and Pluto have had to learn Spanish. Driverless cars, driving stoned, driving texting, man buns and women in submarines would have...

Time’s up

An open letter to Senators Boozman, Cotton and Congressman Womack, Are you a Russian or an American? You cannot serve two masters and must choose;...

Thank you, Air Evac

Editor, We moved to Holiday Island about 4 1/2 years ago. Our real estate agent, Diane Paulson, told us about the Air Evac insurance we...

Speaking privately

Editor, One of the few benefits of the long, tiresome process by which we choose our next president is that we now all know that...

You just never know when you’ll need to land

Editor, The following is an actual incident that occurred Sunday, Nov. 25, 2018. The location was Carroll County Airport, Berryville, Ark., Airport designator K4M1. At approximately...

Fixing leaks a priority

To the City Council and Mayor of Eureka Springs, You have been working for a year now on the water and sewer financial challenges, and...