Cut Obama’s salary

Editor, Since Obama states he will be campaigning for Mrs. Clinton, I as his employer am not thrilled. At $400,000 annual salary he makes...

Charles “Norman” Adamson

I feel blessed to have known Norman; he was a dear friend and mentor. Norman was always there to lend an ear, me being...

Cheering the Hoedown

Editor, Harvey and I were very excited to see that the Hoedown was back in Eureka Springs with our friend, Mike Nichols, as the star....

Put a mask on

Editor,    Went shopping the other day, Harter House – masks and gloves, employees and shoppers alike. Hart’s in Eureka Springs was the same, even more...

Let’s see some ID

Editor, Apparently America’s unemployment problem has been solved by the Koch brothers’ robot-dolls that dominate so many of our state legislatures. In order to enforce the...

Appreciation for Methodist Church

Editor, We are once again extending our deepest thanks to the First United Methodist Church of Eureka Springs for doing such a fine job of serving their...

The art of the steal

Editor, Here is more depressing information for hardworking citizens and retirees who live on Social Security after working for 50 or so years: The “President”...

Halloween Candy Bank rides again

Editor, The town is already talking about Halloween plans, and the CAPC has doled out funds for promotion of events for the entire month that...

Tiny ticks can cause great strife

Editor, Imagine a world where you have a seemingly invisible sickness, where no one can diagnose what’s wrong with you, they say “you don’t look...

‘Middle class miracle’ a coincidence?

Editor, In the book I’m reading that takes place during WWII, I read that Hitler was credited for Germany’s “Economic Miracle.” At the same time, I’m...