Incorporation or destruction?

Editor, A small group of people in Holiday Island are once again trying to get the planned community incorporated. Only this time it’s on the...

Register, choose, vote

Editor, I want a good-hearted president, not a chest beating, name calling braggart and bully. Both Hillary and her running mate have good hearts. They both work for good. All...

Council powwows should be at ESCC

To the Mayor and City Council of Eureka Springs We request that you vote to move the meetings of the City Council to the ES...

Fifty years later it’s still horrible

Editor, The flap about the National Football League has been on the news nightly. The national anthem has recently been mentioned, which reminded me of Francis...

Growing up isn’t just physical

Editor, There are seven places in the Bible where we find ideas that today we translate as “homosexuality.” A quick scholarly search shows that none...

Slap on the back for council

Editor, I thank the City Council for abandoning the lease agreement for meetings’ space at the Community Center of Commerce. Through research, education and knowledge we...

With a little help from our friends

Editor, The food has all been brought in, the shelves at the food bank are filled, and on behalf of all the area Scouts, and...

38-minute alert a wake-up call

Editor, The recent 38-minute alert in Hawaii brought forth valid panic. We have natural laws, God’s laws, Biblical hints and clues, yet 97 percent of the...

Look for truth

Editor, Watching the peaceful “Black Lives Matter” protests, I was vividly reminded of the summer of 1972. I traveled to Miami, Florida, to participate in...

Nice? Us?

Editor. I am a subscriber to your newspaper and I just want to say thank you for the nice little newspaper you have there. I hope...