Oligarchy: Government in which power is invested in a few

Editor, Although unusual and even somewhat shocking, there is one oligarch who often speaks truthfully in public: home-grown billionaire Warren Buffett. To quote him: “Sure there...

Biden time in land of the free

Editor, My name is Ruth Jones and I live at 32 Owen Street in Eureka. I have a Biden sign and BLM in my yard, and...

A deer conversation

Editor, My house is surrounded by woods full of deer. Every evening around 6 o’clock they meet down in the trees. “Hey, what do you guys...

Unity a pipedream?

Editor, I wish there were (subjunctive!) unity in our country, but there is not. It’s as if there are, at least, two different societies.       One is...

Sidewalks a hazard

Editor, Within the last few weeks just driving through town I have witnessed 4 (yes 4) people, mostly older, who have fallen on sidewalks downtown. Am...

Return of the swamp creature

Editor, In the fetid swamp of the White House, there lives a three-headed congress monster, vicious and evil. This serpent with poisonous blood has been...

One solution – change our Rep

Editor, Just wondering if anyone noticed that while they were ripping babies out of the arms of their mothers, and Melania was making her fashion...

Time’s up

An open letter to Senators Boozman, Cotton and Congressman Womack, Are you a Russian or an American? You cannot serve two masters and must choose;...

Victorian Classic big success

On behalf of the Rotary Club of Eureka Springs, we thank the following businesses for their sponsorship of the 34th Annual Victorian Classic 10K/2...

Money is easy when regs are weak

Editor, Thanks for the paper and the excellent staff and especially this editorial by Becky Gillette on the dumping of Hog Waste in The United...