Don’t be fooled



Don’t be fooled again, vote No on the 1% sales tax increase. It will damage tourism, our largest industry, especially retail. Don’t believe those who say business is up. They are quoting CAPC tax totals in which food taxes are up which they are because wholesale food prices have gone up so restaurant prices went up to cover the increase, surpassing the lodging tax collection. Visitors need to eat and stay, but with the retail tax at 10.375%, which is high, they won’t buy, thus the city will lose tax money. Visitors pay attention to sales taxes.

Past councils have diverted sewer tax increases to the general fund where money disappeared, and they could do it again. With our current Finance Director, who even city council members have trouble getting full disclosure of city finances, we as citizens don’t know how much money the city really has or where it is being spent.

Surprisingly, not long ago the director magically came up with around $30,000 out of nowhere for Christmas decoration storage, and who knows what else? Was that a priority? Why wasn’t that money put toward water and sewer? How much more money is available? We don’t know.

The CAPC, by law, is supposed to use some of its money to support a convention center which is the Auditorium. They used $10,000 of city collected tax money to promote a Blues Festival nine miles outside of the city limits instead of using the Aud. When they sponsored consistent shows at the Aud, i.e., Ray Charles, Emmylou Harris, etc., it brought visitors to town and they were booking their rooms for the next concert before they left. The CAPC made 3% on where they stayed and ate, plus the city got tax money.

The Aud is a draw to bring people here and the CAPC with how much they benefit from it need to do their job and use it that way.

They have spent untold amounts on websites that don’t work. Over time the city, not the CAPC, has paid for maintenance and improvements at the Aud.

We don’t need more tax and an auditorium commission, we need the CAPC to put on shows at and use the Aud to bring visitors and money to town.

Until we know how much money the city really has and are sure it is being wisely spent, say No to further increases.

Until the CAPC starts truly supporting and using the Auditorium for the good of the city and spending their money wisely, say No to any tax increase. Don’t damage our major industry of tourism. Don’t be fooled again.