Why does the Confederate flag fly in our cemetery?

Editor, I understand that we as people can look at the same image and yet see different things because of our life experiences, but we...

Chaos is hungry now

Editor, In 2015 and 2016 Bill Gates was lecturing at Harvard and other places about an upcoming pandemic. He told the audiences, “If we act...

Fight for peace

Editor, Anyone who viewed the murder of George Floyd by a police officer who kept his knee crushing Mr. Floyd’s throat for 8 minutes and...

Protectors should be just

Editor, I was sickened this last week… not with Covid-19 but with a longer lasting plague. As a “white” man I was raised with the...

Slow it down on East Mountain

Editor, East Mountain Drive is one of two streets connecting Hwys. 23 and 62. The other is Passion Play Road. EMD has no sidewalks. The...

Dictators defy democracy

Editor, I am Antifa and I follow in my father’s footsteps. My parents taught me right from wrong and good from evil and if they...

Masks show you care

Editor, It seems there is a political divide everywhere – even on whether we should protect ourselves from Covid-19 by wearing a mask. We went downtown...

A playbook is a plan

Editor, I know the past is the past and we all need to move forward and I will after I write this letter. The virus we...

Mass behavior changes one

Editor, I just wanted to share an observation from my travels last week. I am in sales and was given the word from my manager that...

Fuel tax exorbitant for electric car

Editor, I am now the very happy owner of an electric car. It’s powerful, quiet and can get 300 miles or more on a full...