Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 11 – 17

The Wesak Buddha Full Moon Festival The Wesak (waters of life) Festival is occurring this Sunday, May 15, at 9:14 p.m. (PDT). Wesak is the...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 27 – May 3

New Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Beltane (Brilliant Fire) Pluto retrogrades Friday, April 29. Retrogrades are times of contemplation, reflection, assessment of the past. With Pluto retrograde...

On the up and up

This Saturday, Gotahold Brewing celebrates its second anniversary with the grand opening of the Gotahold Trail. There are two Hikes with the Brewmaster, one...

Free Parking

Donald Trump claimed he would hire only the best people. But what he didn’t say was at what they would excel. Some of those...


FAYETTEVILLE – When Chad Morris was officially hired as Arkansas’ head coach on December 7, most fans had already written off the possibility of...

Hall Closets

“I know a place where baseball’s really real. At night all the faces light up, as the heroes take the field.” – lyrics from...

There’s always room for improvement

If you’re a resident of the Historic District, you’ve probably heard about the Historic District Commission (HDC) and the design review process. However, you...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Dec. 20 – 26, 2023

Solstice, Christmas & Gifts of Each Sign   And so here we are in the last days of the year, Friday, the Sun enters Capricorn and...


Tom Brady hauled in $28.375 million in 2020, plenty of money to continue eating his normal diet. Pat Burrell was Brady’s high school’s competing quarterback,...

The Dirt on Nicky

Famous tomatoes According to folks with time on their hands, the most famous tomato in the world is the Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio, a...