Hall Closets

“If you make sure you’re connected, The writing’s on the wall. But if your mind’s neglected, Stumble you might fall. Stumble you might fall.” Stereo MCs     It has been a...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 10 – 16, 2023

Mother’s Day & Mercury Stations Direct Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 14 and Mercury stations direct that evening at six degrees Taurus. We may need...

Having REEL Fun

Brrr… Baby it’s Cold Outside. Don’t let the cool days keep you from hooking up. Just remember it’s not the temp that makes things...

The Nature of Eureka

Honeysuckle horror story We have a very common invasive alien in Eureka Springs for which we can use animal analogies of varmint and vermin. The...

The Nature of Eureka

Perilla: A weed to know This time of year, one annual weed starts to dominate the landscape in my backyard, in open woods, and all...


Have you ever noticed that sometimes life is like reading a month-old weekly? It might be interesting but it’s also unconnected, like trying to...


Well, isn’t this a dilemma? We all need to make money. We all want to stay healthy. Suddenly, both are in jeopardy. Should Carroll County...

The Coffee Table

Chicago 8/Tennessee 3 While grappling with last week’s news of the Tennessee Three, I found myself watching The Trial of the Chicago Seven on Netflix for the second time. The...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The submission deadline for this piece comes before knowing who our next President will be, but I’m nearly past the point of caring at...


Once again, the media are saying and writing that the United States is not ready for a non-traditional presidential candidate. It’s amusing, kind of...