The Pursuit of Happiness

There’s been some excited Whoop-dee-doo about the unfurling of a Confederate battle flag at a public school gathering in Green Forest last week. I...


FAYETTEVILLE -- With under ten days remaining until National Signing Day, fans of every team across the country are asking the same question: “Will...

Free Parking

If you have no moral compass, there is no wrong direction! Mara Severin The inscription on the Statue of Liberty was replaced by our own...

The Nature of Eureka

Grass is greener when it’s brown I view grasses as a crypto-conundrum. A couple of weeks in May or June, when grasses bloom, I get...

Dropping a Line

Well, it looks like January will be history tomorrow. The days will start getting longer, the sun will shine more, and fish know it’s...

The Pursuit of Happiness

When I was six my mother gave me the job of answering the home telephone. I was proud of the assignment and remember feeling...


FAYETTEVILLE – When Chad Morris was officially hired as Arkansas’ head coach on December 7, most fans had already written off the possibility of...

Dropping a Line

Tuna are being caught on live and cut bait, blue marlin are being caught trolling on big, fast moving squid lures, and shark can...

The Nature of Eureka

Ashe’s Juniper You’ve probably seen it and didn’t realize that you did. But it’s the time of year when if looking to identify trees, leaves...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Democrat and Republican elites have lost control of their respective ideologies, moral values and political character, and are in the process of destroying the...