Alternatives to the Wall

“In the field of world policy, I would dedicate this nation to the Policy of the Good Neighbor – the neighbor who resolutely respects...

Job enhancer

Dear Eureka Springs, Recently someone asked what has Eureka Springs done for us lately? That’s a good question. I know I wouldn’t mind WiFi. How about...

Wall building response

Editor, Laura L Coker , what makes you think that the great drought, flood or other calamities won’t start here, north of the border? For what...

Biden time in land of the free

Editor, My name is Ruth Jones and I live at 32 Owen Street in Eureka. I have a Biden sign and BLM in my yard, and...

Two-leggeds helping four-leggeds

Editor, What a generous community we live in. Our hearts are moved by all the creative efforts to help those suffering after Hurricane Harvey, from ECHO’s...

All the best to Mrs. Maples

Editor, On Saturday, at the Public Display of Affection in our Diversity Weekend events, a thank you to Cheryl Maples was read. Mrs. Maples was...

Love you, but don’t touch my hair

Editor, I truly loved the cartoon by Wolf Grulkey in last week’s Independent. I mounted it on bright red mat board and gave it to...



Heads up, mums are the best, hands down

Editor,  After overwhelming response, the Bridge of Love (BoL) returned this Mother’s Day Weekend. Families came to Downtown Eureka Springs to celebrate Mom and were...

Public dialogue on HDC needed

Editor, I’m an outsider. A recent property owner in Eureka Springs and one who fell in love with the quirkiness and uniqueness of this historic...