Public dialogue on HDC needed



I’m an outsider. A recent property owner in Eureka Springs and one who fell in love with the quirkiness and uniqueness of this historic hidden gem.

The decision to abolish the HDC or not is a heavy burden that will undoubtedly have long lasting repercussions and should not be taken lightly. Rather than making an emotional decision, it behooves us to have an open discussion and debate weighing the pros and cons so all voters can be educated heading into the polls. With something so important in the balance, why are there no town hall discussions or debates happening? Before the town casts its vote, we need to hear both sides. I implore the city to schedule either a virtual and/or in-person discussion on this topic so the voters can make the right decision for themselves.

Heidi Block


  1. Abolish hdc and the worthless chamber of commerce and the advertising committee all business killers for this little town it needs a new start thank God the bikers came to save us God bless you Harley-Davidson

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