Sharing dog food

Editor, Having been the recipient of the kindness of strangers at a time of dire need, I pay special attention to stories of kindness and...

Fiddler gets accolades

Editor, My congratulations to the Eureka Springs High School theater department on their production of Fiddler on the Roof. I attended the Saturday night performance. I...


The Art of Repeal

Chaos and illegality

Editor, It’s been quite the week for Donald Trump’s new administration. Their first counter-terrorism effort in Yemen resulted in the death of one serviceman and...

How does your garden grow?

Editor, I can’t remember who does Garden of the Month but I’d nominate the Statton Gallery garden along Spring St. across from Harding Spring. Spectacular...

Healthcare for the privileged

Editor, Coming on the heels of the horrendous health care bill passed by the House on May 4, Sen. Hatch’s remarks add insult to injury...

Diversity deserves acknowledgment

Editor, Wow! What an amazing Summer Diversity Weekend – I thank all the sponsors, without them our Diversity Weekends would not be possible. I thank...

Cell towers are electric poles redux

NWA Benton County Conservation District will continue to have a small population because land has been acquired over past seven years to build an...

How sweet it is

Editor, Another Halloween night on the Upper Historic Loop has been accomplished in typical Eureka style. The residents from Highway 62 to the Crescent Hotel...

Independent Editorial: Shall we complain or inspire

We Baby Boomers are old no matter how good we feel, no matter how much we have left to do, no matter what advances...