

What will she do?

Editor, Kudos to Jill Stein for her civil disobedience and active protest at Standing Rock... and no my friend, T.A. Laughlin, Hillary will not come...

Voting impediments are oppressive

Editor, Letter to the Arkansas Secretary of State Mark Martin: I am appalled by the news that Trump’s new “Voting Integrity Commission” has requested very extensive...

Need for the tax

Editor, Once upon a time in a small town, lost in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, there was a sewer plant that was in constant...

What on Earth happened

Saudis lead fossil states to block 1.5°C report and declare island states a disposable global zone Last week, at the conclusion of the Bonn June...

Independent Guestatorial: Diamond is a Sucker’s Bet

There is one sucker born every minute - George Hull, 1858 Suckers have been around for a long time. George Hull wanted to prove giants...

What Trump is intent on

Editor, Trump has severe knowledge deficits and personal character traits that have been deliberately magnified.  Darwin was singularly credited with a theory, despite a second individual...

Another opinion

Awarded two bags of red pears for delivering groceries to shut-ins, our daughter gave us one. I put them on a platter with a...

Another Opinion

The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the latest explosion in this strange Year 4 of Our Trump. Reading fond obituaries...

All souls

Editor, My name is Charlette Cook. I am the person who is having a life in spite of the people who would rather I were...