This City that water built

Editor, It is getting late in the game to save the Ozarks from ourselves. We support the sales and use tax that has been proposed by...

Freedom from Want

Seventy-seven years ago, President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered his historic “Four Freedoms” address to Congress, stating everyone has an essential human right to Freedom...

Independent Guestatorial: Speaking for Mother Earth

Mankind is in danger of extinction from greed and stupidity. – Stephen Hawking The GOP wants to give public lands to private interests: “Congress should...

Democracy in peril

Editor, When I was a child, my Mother taught me to type on an old Underwood typewriter. One typing exercise was: “Now is the time...



Do the math

Since early last year I have heard, and read, of the millions of dollars Carroll County will receive in tax revenue and how the...

Adamson’s World

For crying out loud

Editor, I cried a river on Inauguration Day for two very different reasons that affect our country. First, I wept for the grief Trump and his...

Masks show you care

Editor, It seems there is a political divide everywhere – even on whether we should protect ourselves from Covid-19 by wearing a mask. We went downtown...

Benefits of a healthy economy

A healthy economy is a green economy in harmony with Nature I asked Elizabeth, an acquaintance, about Global Warming. Liz said Fox News claims global...