Democracy in peril



When I was a child, my Mother taught me to type on an old Underwood typewriter. One typing exercise was: “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” I’ve changed that to read, “Now Is The Time For All Good Citizens To Come To The Aid Of Their Country.”

Donald Trump and the Republicons in Congress are showing their true feelings about all their fellow citizens. They show their disdain with every gesture and Executive Order and bill that they push to become Law.

They are succeeding in their efforts to cut healthcare, slash food programs, end public education, deny and defund climate science, take away our National Parks, sell our highways to the highest bidder, deny more people the vote, militarize the police, befriend dictators, cut us off from our Allies, allow a hostile foreign government (one who has vowed to crush us and our way of life) access to the highest office in our government.

Taken all together, their actions proclaim this is not a government Of, For and By the People, but one for The Wealthy and Connected. Tyranny is banging at our door. Our “PapaDoc For Life” Dictator is standing in the wings ready to enter Stage Right.

Today our experiment in democracy is in true peril. Now Is the Time For All Good Citizens to Come to the Aid of Their Country.

Sheri Hanson