I love you just the way you are

Dear New Eurekans, We are so fortunate to wake up here in a community that cares for one another. We should embrace our responsibility to...

We’ve been hoodwinked

Dear Steve Womack, You might want to consider bidding on Roy Moore’s horse. You may need it to ride out on. As the representative of a...

A Strong Opinion

Voter Suppression – Do the Math Only a few votes are lost when Eureka’s “Powers That Be” favor turning over residences to property managers for...

Why does the Confederate flag fly in our cemetery?

Editor, I understand that we as people can look at the same image and yet see different things because of our life experiences, but we...

Everything is not going to be OK

The climate emergency is unlike anything we have faced before U.S. climate migration begins. Florida Keys coastal homes are being bulldozed due to rising seas....

Stop the killing

Editor, Poison makes perfect. In the cities, folks use chem lawn or tru green (a euphemism) to perfect their lawn and to project the illusion that...

If you own a backhoe

Editor, It is just another sad day in America. In Congress and in the administration, Republican folks are praying once again for the victims of...

The time of her life

Editor, The local memorial service for our daughter, Sarah Larson McGettrick, will be Saturday, Dec. 2, at 4 p.m., at the Eureka Unitarian Universalist Fellowship,...

Smoke takes your breath away

The COVID-19 is deadly for people with chronic respiratory problems When we are healthy, we breathe all the time and we hardly notice it. But...

SB 197 would prohibit certain restrictions on the regulation of short-term rentals

The bill was returned to the Senate by committee Feb. 21 with the recommendation that it Do Pass. The Senate is scheduled vote on SB...