Thanks from the heart

Editor, When we first moved to Eureka Springs, I noticed the town’s hospital had the motto on their sign: “The hospital with a heart.”  I thought, “Well,...

Burning the forests

“Burning wood from sustainably managed forests increases carbon emissions for 40+ years,” SELC A new study by the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) found wood...

Great pair of knees? No. Great Pyrenees

Editor, A note to the gentleman who helped me Saturday morning at Sun Fest Grocery by volunteering to remove some dried leaves about to go...

Miraculous weeklies

Editor, The weekly papers are indeed miracles! And those who produce it, everyone involved in the production of the weeklies, are Miracle Workers!  Risa Goodwill

Shattering a mosaic

A couple years back, I met someone who told me if I ever had a good idea, to please reach out. So, at the...


How good are we at restoring Nature? Regeneration is a process of restoring rivers, grasslands, forests, or other ecosystems to its highest potential. Let’s look...

Fluff Fiction

Last week, residents of Gum Springs met with Arkadelphia Economic Development representatives, worried about the Shandong Sun Paper (Sun) fluff mill. The report says,...

How does this work?

Editor, Apparently, the WalMart Foundation is donating a project to Lake Leatherwood. It is a new bridge. BTW, this is not about WalMart. It’s about us. The location for...

This’ll warm you right up

On the frigid morning of Tuesday, January 16 at 9 a.m. while the temperature was in the single digits and the windchill was subzero,...

Then was Then

Eureka Springs Brotherhood Co-op The Eureka Springs Co-op was in the old Cook and Border building, previously an auto repair shop on First Street, owned by...