Nice? Us?

Editor. I am a subscriber to your newspaper and I just want to say thank you for the nice little newspaper you have there. I hope...

Politics should be unusual

Editor, I wrote this for the Independent back in 2012 right after the Sandy Hook massacre. Four years and countless mass shootings later, it does...

Country music

When we have out of state visitors this time of year, I give them two warnings: Obey the speed limits on them crooked and...

Warming up to run

Editor, Here’s one idea that you may have never thought of: Running for office. Many of our elected officials started out with no political career...

Candidate should take a stance

Editor, A Republican staffer from Trump’s Commerce Department was arrested on child/infant sex abuse and pornography today (April 8, 2022.)  Over the past 10 years many...

Healthy soils for better climate

“The poor and the earth are crying out. O Lord, seize us with your power and light, help us to protect all life, to...

Hate that I hate

Editor, I suppose I should be grateful. I am fully awake now. I see the slimy darkness as it oozes out from underneath the rocks...

Go Native

Editor, I thank Eureka Springs for hosting such wonderful speakers in September for your first native plant fair. Also the folks that pulled this event...


Memorial Day

But it’s not illegal

Editor, I remember when I was about 15 sneaking out with my girlfriend and climbing to the roof of an old barn on their farm...